About SenHAR
The SenHAR project aims to transfer the results obtained with the HARMONY project (financed within the previous program notice) and make them functional, making them know to specific target groups. This goal will be realized through
awareness campaigns and promotion of the issues related to Natura 2000 sites (N2K) of the cross-border area subject to the monitoring of HARMONY project (Cape Gallo Isola delle Femmine and Fondali Isola di Capo Passero in Sicily,
fil-Bahar fil-Grigal ta’ in Malta).
Application of
Key enabling Technologies (KET)
The source of knowledge acquired during Harmony will be elaborated and shared through activities using the KET.
WP3 and WP4 will be the main framework for these activities using a series of innovative solution for the divulgation of the information and knowledge to final users.
The main instrument used will be: QR code, loggers and sensors (for temperature, movement, remote biodiversity monitoring etc.), as well as software and devices for citizen involvement through gaming moments and group experiences.
habitatS of high conservation Value
During Harmony 3, habitat of high conservation value have been identified within the Sicilian and Maltese waters. These are Vermetid reef, Posidonia oceanica meadow, and Maerl beds.
These habitats will be the focus of the dissemination and involvement activities of SenHAR.
Production of info-graphics materials will be deployed in strategic info points as banners with digital links (QR code) and canopies for demonstration. Face-to-face activities will also be organised.
Info points such as canopies will be deployed in strategic localities (yacht club, diving center, local councils, touristic beaches, etc.) to involve the citizens on local ecological campaigns and participate on questionnaires filling.
Questionnaires are important tools for measure the level of awareness and knowledge of the citizen before and after the exposure of info-points and to explore even aspect related with Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) as has
been applied during the HARMONY project.
Through the questionnaires other important aspects will be explored as the propensity of the citizens and final users to change their habits and raise their awareness to environmental issues as the biodiversity loss, habitat
fragmentation etc.
Project Partners
Università di Palermo
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DISTEM)
Università di Malta
Dipartimento di Geoscienze
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino