Final SENHAR Project Conference
Yet another Interreg Italia-Malta 2014-2020 Project within which the University of Malta is a partner – SENHAR – has just folded up – with a final outreach conference being organised at the Malta National Aquarium so as to showcase the salient achievements of the project with local maritime stakeholders. READ MORE
SenHAR promoting sustainability
The SenHAR project is at his outreach peak and for this the partners have looked for a new gadget to help promote marine habitats during our awareness campaigns with focus on sustainability.
Perpetua, produced by Alisea S.R.L, is a fully recycled graphite pencil, with no wood, no plastics, making it of extraordinary value. It is virtually endless given his high durability in terms of resistance and the feature to write up to 1120 km, even underwater! (For divers). READ MORE
UM hosts fourth SENHAR Steering Committee meeting
Project partners have met in Malta for the fourth Steering Committee of the SenHAR project. It was a great opportunity to set our scientific minds to build new awareness campaigns after the success of the gaming “Ti-misuro Termoblitz”. READ MORE
Comprehensive marine ecological survey conducted
by Oceanography group as part of the SENHAR project
Within the SENHAR project, a three-day ecological survey of marine benthic and pelagic communities within the Hofra z-Zghira embayment was embarked upon by the Oceanography Marine Research Group within the Department of Geosciences of the Faculty of Science earlier this month. Academic and supporting staff from the University’s oceanography team who participated within this survey included Dr. Adam Gauci, Mr. Johann Galdies, Mr. Edward Sultana and Mr. Alessio Marrone, whilst Prof. Alan Deidun is the Principal Investigator at the University of Malta on the SENHAR project. READ MORE
UM hosts second steering Committee meeting
The second Steering Committee meeting of the SENHAR project was recently hosted by the University of Malta.
SENHAR is funded within the ambit of the Interreg Italia-Malta 2014-2020 Programme. READ MORE
Call for applications
The SENHAR project team is looking for two full-time and part-time experts to assist on socio-economic data analyses aspects for a definite period. READ MORE
Call for applications January 2023
Call for marine biota sorting expert; Call for marine biota taxonomic expert Call for stable isotope analyses expert
Call for applications May 2023
A Call is being published for the provision of full-time expert services in the field of citizen science, for a maximum duration of THREE (3) months.